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Bonjour a tous !!! Je peux avoir l histoire de l Australie svp en quelques lignes c pour mon exposé en anglais !!!!​
merci d avance

Sagot :

Réponse :

The history of Australia can be traced back to the first immigration of the Australian continent, which began in the north about 60,000 years before our time.

Since the 17th century, the Australian population may have been more than 50,000 years, which is composed of the indigenous population. Europeans and explorers recognize its coast. In 1788, British colonization began with the establishment of a prison camp in Sydney. In the 1850s, the Australian colony became an autonomous parliamentary democracy, and the Commonwealth was established on January 1, 1901, and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed.

During the two world wars, Australia sent troops to fight alongside Britain. In Australia, we still remember the Battle of Dardanelles in 1915, known as the Battle of Gallipoli in Australia, which was the "baptism" of the new country. During the Second World War, people felt that the threat of Japanese invasion put the region under heavy pressure. country.

The post-war period was a period of prosperity in Australia, and successive governments have expanded immigration policies. During this period, the alliance with the United States significantly increased trade with Asia.    

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