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Sagot :


Réponse :


a. Trouve l’equivalent du terme cambriolage/ braquage


b. Where did it take place?

It took place in Great Britain .

C; When did it happen?

It happened on 8 August 1963.

d. How much money was stolen?

£2.6 million were stolen.

e. How many men were involved in the robbery?

15 men were involved in the robbery.

f. How did they get on the train? Choose and circle the right answer:

1. They waited for the train to stop.

4. They stopped the train by changing the traffic lights.

g. How did they escape?

They escaped thanks to their organization. They went off the train, cars were waiting for them.

h. What did they do while hiding?

While hiding, they played Monopoly to pass the time.

i. How did the police finally arrest them? Where?

They left fingerprints on the Monopoly board, that helped the police to find them. They were arrested in London.