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Bonjour ! J'ai besion d'aide pour le Grammar Anglais SVvvvvP!!!!!

Le prétérit simple
Banque de ressources Grammaire B1
Le préterit simple Formation et emploi
Put the labels in the right order to reveal the question.
a. buy/where/? / did / jacket/ that/you

b.?/you/ that/shop/know/ did

Complete the following sentences with the right verb form.

a. Did you .......
(trouver) the book you were looking for?

b. When did you
(acheter) it?

C. Who did you....
(aller) shopping with?

Conjugate the following verbs in the negative preterit form.
a. Fred .......
(enjoy) himself at the party last night.

b. His friends ......
(show up) and he .......
(find) anybody to talk with.

(like) the music they played.​

Bonjour Jai Besion Daide Pour Le Grammar Anglais SVvvvvP Le Prétérit SimpleBanque De Ressources Grammaire B1Le Préterit Simple Formation Et EmploiPut The Labels class=

Sagot :

a. Where did you buy that jacket ?

b. Did you know that shop ?

a. Did you find the book you were looking for ?

b. When did you buy it ?

c. Who did you go shopping with ?

a. Fred didn't enjoy himself at the party last night.

b. His friends didn't show up and he didn't find anybody to talk with.

c. He didn't like the music they played.

a.where did you buy that jacket?
b. Did you know that shop?
a. Found
B. Buy
C. Go
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