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Un exercice simple à faire, pouvez vous y répondre s'il vous plait:
Rewrite the three sentences in the correct order
a) mixes / adds / Ms Allicock / she / crops / the / that / . /
b) traditional / woman / that / states / young / likes / the / farming / she / farming / . /
c) also / you / yourself / the / plant / that / Ms Allicock / for / animals / says / all / but / . /

Je remercie toute réponse!

Sagot :

Hello !

a) mixes / adds / Ms Allicock / she / crops / the / that / . /

Ms Allicock adds that she mixes the crops.

b) traditional / woman / that / states / young / likes / the / farming / she / farming / . /

The young woman states that she likes traditional farming.

c) also / you / yourself / the / plant / that / Ms Allicock / for / animals / says / all / but / . /

Ms Allicock says that you plant for yourself but also for all the animals.

En espérant t'avoir aidé(e) ! ^^

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