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Bonjour excusez-moi de vous déranger c’est quelqu’un pourrait m’aider pour mon devoir d’anglais merci d’avance

Bonjour Excusezmoi De Vous Déranger Cest Quelquun Pourrait Maider Pour Mon Devoir Danglais Merci Davance class=

Sagot :

Réponse/ Explications :

1. J. K. Rowling lived near Bristol when she was a little girl.


2. She invented the name Potter.

    Wrong   - Two of the children she played with were called Potter, a name she liked very much.

3. She enjoyed practicing sports.

    Wrong - At school, she wasn't good at sports

4. She started writing stories when she was in university.

    Wrong - She wrote her first story when she was five or six years old.

5. She was a French teacher in Portugal.

    Wrong - She was a English teacher at Portugal.

6. Her marriage wasn't a happy one.

    Right  - She married a Portuguese TV journalist and ended up in a divorce.

7. Publishers were immediately interested in Harry Potter.

   Wrong - She sent it to many publishers who rejected it, then one publisher accepted.

8. The first Harry Potter was published when she was 32 years sold.

     Right - born in 1965 and published in 1997 so 1997-1965= 32

j'espère que je t'ai aidé