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Bonjour , pourriez vous m’aidez svp pour cette exercice en anglais

Bonjour Pourriez Vous Maidez Svp Pour Cette Exercice En Anglais class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

Salut L'excercise 2 s'est:

A; I took my girl to school when i saw the accident .

B; As i worked my English, she ringed at the door.

C; While the cats ate, the dog ran in the street

Explications :

Réponse :

Bonjour, je pense pouvoir t'aider :)

2) I took my girl to school when I saw the accident.

As I'm working my English, she rang at the door.

While the cats are eating, the dog is runing in the street.

3) Jane was driving her car while an accident arrived.

Did she bringed the cat to the vet two years ago ?

Voilà bonne journée !

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