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Bonjour pouvez-vous m'aider?

What state is to the north of Louisiana?
what is the south of Louisiana?
What sate is to the est of Louisiana?
What state is to the west of Luisiana?

Merci ^-^ :)

Sagot :


1- What state is to the north of Louisiana?                                                             In the north of Louisana, there is Arkansas.

2- What is the state south of Louisiana?                                                                         In the south of Louisana, there is Gulf of Mexico.

3- What state is to the est of Louisiana?                                                                In the est of Louisana, there is Mississipi.

4- What state is to the west of Louisiana?                                                             In the west of Louisana, there is Texas.

J'espère avoir pu t'aider ;-)

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