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Bonjour j’aurai besoin d’aide pour ces quelques questions.

2) What are the contractions that can be found in London? CONTRADICTIONS
3) What is the rich people's way of life in London?
4) How do poor people live in the city?

Bonjour Jaurai Besoin Daide Pour Ces Quelques Questions 2 What Are The Contractions That Can Be Found In London CONTRADICTIONS 3 What Is The Rich Peoples Way Of class=

Sagot :


2) London is a contradictory city because there are two types of people: the poor and the rich. There is a lot of inequality with the highest level of poverty.

3) The rich live in luxurious houses close to private schools, hospitals. They enjoy restaurants, theatres and live a life internationally as they travel abroad.

4) The poor live in constant fear that their child will frequent bad reputations such as gangs. Some poor people have jobs but earn very little and do not receive the minimum wage.

En espérant t'avoir aidé.

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