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bonjour pourriez vous me corriger l'exercice d'anglais suivant:
placer les quantificateurs suivant dans les phrase si dessous:
quantificateur: few ; a few; a little; little; no
a. very few people can live in this part of Australia it is far too hot b.children have to study with the school of the air because there are no schools around .
c. there is very few rain in the Australian deserts it is a real problem! d. they have suffered from drought .they really need a little help
e. there are a lot of reptiles but few are really dangerous
f. he has been walkabout and he has had little frightening moment
merci bcp d'avance

Sagot :

reponse; almost everything is correct except the last one. its a little frightening moment.Not little frightening moment I hope that I helped you.

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