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Bonjour Pouvezvous Maider À Traduire Mon Texte Svp class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

The british school système is enough similar as the french system in his structure, but there's differences anyway, I guess the education quality in Englant, and the difference between the private and public schools, the contest between them, the uniform, schooling bills, class size...

In conclusion the education system between the two country is different, each other have his education manner for their students and the program are not the same, we have saw that a day in a french school is not the same as a day en England.

I have decided to choose this theme because in my travel in England I figured out that the education was still different and I wanted to know more about this, doing personnal research.

Explications :

J'ai fait en sorte que le texte ait moins de répétition et paufiné un peu, si tu as des mots que tu ne comprend pas je t'invite quand même a t'informer dessus.

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