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bonjour aidez moi si vous plait

Bonjour Aidez Moi Si Vous Plait class=

Sagot :

Réponse :Bonjour,

Voici quelques corrections:

3. Grandma woke up when the doorbell rang.

4. I was walking my dog when suddenly I saw footsteps behind me.

5. I saw Tom at the railway station as he was waiting for his train.

6. I was driving my car yesterday when I saw George who waited for his bus.

7. I was drinking a cup of tea when I heard a loud bang.

9. Last night I was laying in bed when suddenly I heard a loud noise.

10. Last Week I cut my finger when I was splitting wood.

11. My brother was playing the guitar when daddy came home.

12. The baker was putting his bread in the oven when he hurt his finger.

13. The sun was rising when it started to rain.

14. We were driving too fast when the accident happened.

16. When I came home, Mum was making bread.

17. When I met Jenny at the party she was wearing an amazing pink dress.

Bon courage ;)

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