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Bonjour j’ai du mal avec cet exercice d’anglais, pouvez vous m’aider s’il vous plaît ?

Consigne:Put the verbs into the correct form: Preterite or preterite be + v-ing (=Conjugue les verbes au bon temps: prétérit simple ou prétérit Be + V-ing)

1-Everybody.....(have) fun last Night: some people.... (dance), others.... (have) a drink at the bar. A usual night at the Cotton Club.

2- Costello and Nasty Frankie... (arrive) later that evening. They....(walk) into the club, and.... (sit) at their usual table.

Merci d’avance pour votre aide ^^

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. is having, are dancing, are having

2. are arriving, are walking, are sitting


1-Everybody..was having...(have) fun last Night: some people...were dancing... (dance), others..were having.. (have) a drink at the bar. A usual night at the Cotton Club.

2- Costello and Nasty Frankie..arrived. (arrive) later that evening. They..walked..(walk) into the club, and..sat.. (sit) at their usual table.  

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