
Obtenez des conseils d'experts et des connaissances communautaires sur Nos experts sont prêts à fournir des réponses approfondies et des solutions pratiques à toutes les questions que vous pourriez avoir.

Petite remarque pour les verbes réguliers terminés par «y»:
• Si devant le «y», il y a une voyelle, on garde le «y» ex: play – played.
• Mais si devant le «y», il y a une consonne , on enlève le «y», on le transforme en «j» et on
ajoute u ed»ex: study studied
When Uther ......... (die), he ..... (have) no heir. Merlin, the wizard ...... (put) a sword called
Excalibur in a stone as a test to find the true heir. Many men ...... (try) to draw the sword out of the
stone but only one
..... (succeed). It ..... (be) Arthur that's why he
....... (become)
the King of England
When he
......... (marry) Guinevere, he
........ (receive) the round table as a dowry. He
...... (sit) at the table with his knights. He
......... (win) lots of battles against the Romans thanks
to his knights
Then Arthur and his knights
.......... (undertake) the quest for the Holy Grail and they
.... (have) to stay away from France for a long time. When he
........ (return), he
....... (learn) that Guinevere .......(be) in love with Lancelot. She
......... (flee) to France
with him so he
-.......... (put) his cousin Mordred in charge of the kingdom. He
........ (stay) in
England and he ....... (leave) for France too. Arthur was fighting Lancelot when Mordred
....... (rebel) and
....... (try) to steal the throne so Arthur ........ (have) to go back to England to fight
Mordred. Finally, he
....... (Fight) him and
........ (kill) him but he
....... (serve) and he
....... (die) too

Aidez moi

Sagot :

Réponse :

When Uther died, he had no heir. Merlin, the wizard put a sword called

Excalibur in a stone as a test to find the true heir. Many men tried to draw the sword out of the  stone but only one succeeded. It was Arthur that's why he  became the King of England .  When he  married Guinevere, he  received the round table as a dowry. He  sat at the table with his knights. He  won

lots of battles against the Romans thanks  to his knights .  Then Arthur and his knights   undertook the quest for the Holy Grail and they  had to stay away from France for a long time. When he  returned, he  learned (ou bien learnt) that Guinevere was in love with Lancelot. She  flew to France  with him so he  put his cousin Mordred in charge of the kingdom. He  stayed in  England and he left for France too. Arthur was fighting Lancelot when Mordred  rebelled and  tried to steal the throne so Arthur had to go back to England to fight  Mordred. Finally, he  fought him and  killed him but he  served and he  died too.

Explications :

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