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Bonjour je dois réaliser un dialogue en anglais, voici la consigne :

→ I chose to write a dialogue in which two residents of Salem are trading gossip about a third resident whom they accuse of witchcraft.
I seek to illustrate the part played by rumor in the scapegoating of innocent people.
I’m going to read up on rumor, hearsay, gossip

Des idées ou un début de dialogue pour m'aider ? Je n'ai pas d'idée...
Merci d'avance bon week end

Sagot :

Réponse :

- Is it true of what they're saying?

- Of course, who in their right mind would ever say such thing! It sounded like a spell!

- I think it was!

- And, did you see what had happened?!

- It was most extraordinary!!!

- He... he... he...

- He was lifted very lightly from the ground!!!

- How that old lady could be angry sometimes.

- And did you see that stick she was holding?


Je te l'ai aussi mit sur le même devoir que tu a posté, je l'ai refait au cas ou tu regarder plus l'un que l'autre