Trouvez des réponses fiables à toutes vos questions sur Notre communauté est là pour fournir des réponses détaillées et fiables à toutes les questions que vous pourriez avoir.

J'ai besoin de votre aide pour ces exercices d'anglais.
1. Rapporte ces paroles au discours indirect en utilisant un verbe introducteur au prétérit (tell/ say/ answer/ ask…)
a/ Paul and Becky : "We love playing tennis".
b/ John: "New York is a great city"
c/ Anna: "Have you got a cat"
d/ Kessy: "I don't like playing video games"
e/ My Spanish teacher: "Are you going to Spain this Summer?"
f/ The Simpsons: "Where are you from"

2. Complète les phrases au discours indirect. Pense à bien observer la concordance des temps.
a/ Kathy and Matt: "We have never been to New York"
⇒ They said they... to NY.
b. Anna: "I saw the new Star Wars yesterday"
⇒She said she... the new Star Wars yesterday.
c/ Tom: "Do you often play tennis"
⇒Tom asked me... tennis.
d/ Jake: "Sorry, I can't come tonight. I'm working"
⇒Jake told his parents he... come that night because he..."
e/ Ryan: "Did you see my brother last week?"
⇒Ryan asked Anna... she...last week.
f/ My friend: "Where did you go last Summer?"
⇒My friendasked me... last Summer.

Merci d'avance

Sagot :


Réponse :



a/ Paul and Becky : "We love playing tennis". ( présent devient prétérit )

Paul and Becky said that they loved playing tennis.

b/ John: "New York is a great city" ( présent devient prétérit )

John said that New York was a great city.

c/Anna: "Have you got a cat" ( présent devient prétérit + verbe "ask" )

Anna asked if you had a cat.

d/Kessy: "I don't like playing video games" ( présent devient prétérit )

Kessy said that she didn’t like playing video games.

e/ My Spanish teacher: "Are you going to Spain this Summer?"  ( présent be + ing devient prétérit be + ing )

My Spanish teacher asked if I was going to Spain that summer.

f/ The Simpsons: "Where are you from" ( présent devient prétérit + verbe"ask

The Simpsons asked me where I was from.


a/ Kathy and Matt: "We have never been to New York" ( présent perfect devient past perfect )

They said they had never been to NY.

b/ Anna: "I saw the new Star Wars yesterday" ( prétérit devient past perfect // yesterday devient "the day before" ( la veille ) )

She said she had seen/watched the new Star Wars the day before.

c/ Tom: "Do you often play tennis" ( présent devient prétérit // attention à la place de l'adverbe de fréquence )

Tom asked me if I often played tennis often.

d/ Jake: "Sorry, I can't come tonight. I'm working" ( can devient could / présent be + ing devient prétérit be + ing  // this devient that  )

Jake told his parents he couldn’t come that night because he was working

e/ Ryan: "Did you see my brother last week?  ( prétérit devient past perfect // last week devient the week before )

Ryan asked Anna if she had seen his brother the week before.

f/  My friend: "Where did you go last Summer?" ( last summer devient the summer before )

My friend asked me where I went the summer before.

Explications :

Comme en français il faut faire attention :

Paul : " je l'ai vu hier" ----> il l'a vu la veille.

           DISCOURS DIRECT                         DISCOURS INDIRECT

                présent    -------------------------------->  prétérit

     présent be + ing--------------------------------> prétérit be + ing

         présent perfect ---------------------------> past perfect

               prétérit    ----------------------------> past perfect  / prétérit

                         can -----------------------------------> could

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