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Qui peux m’aider svp y’a 6 question d’anglais importanttt

Qui Peux Maider Svp Ya 6 Question Danglais Importanttt class=

Sagot :


Réponse :


1.Bobbie is a young man. WRONG

« purse » and « receptionist position » are often considered for woman.

2. Bobbie drove to the job interview. RIGHT

« I parked my car »

3. The job interview took place several years ago. RIGHT

« I once… » «  I was with the company for three years and left »

4. Although Bobbie’s thumb hurt, she went to the interview. RIGHT

« I went ahead and went into the interview »

5. The company was disappointed by Bobbie’s behaviour. WRONG

The interviewer got her a cup of ice water, and she was hired.

6. Over the years, Bobbie got a promotion in the company. RIGHT

She was hired as a receptionist, and after three years she left the company asOffice Manager.

Bonjour voici une petite aide pour toi,

1. Wrong

2. Right

3. Right

4. Right

5. Wrong

6. Right

J'espère que je t'ai aidé ; )