
Trouvez des réponses à vos questions avec l'aide de la communauté Zoofast.fr. Obtenez des réponses rapides et bien informées à vos questions grâce à notre plateforme de questions-réponses expérimentée.

bonjour svp j'ai vraiment besoin d'aide c'est gentil et merci beaucoup
Complétez le tableau en choisissant la bonne réponse : a, b, c ou d

1. Leonidas ________ the king of the Spartans.
a. has been b. is
c. was d. were

2. I _______ just __________ my dinosaur report.
a. have finished b. am finishing
c. finished d. was finishing

3. Look! My turtle ____________ lunch.
a. was eating b. has eaten
c. eats d. is eating

4. I was walking home, when the rain __________.
a. started b. was starting
c. is starting d. has started

5. Last year I _______ a tennis tournament.
a. win b. was winning
c. won d. have won

6. Over 40 years ago astronauts ________ on the moon.
a. are landing b. were landing
c. have landed d. landed

7. We __________ pizza for dinner right now.
a. are having b. have had
c. have d. were having

8._______ you ________ the e-mail yet?
a. Are…sending b. Have…sent
c. Do…send d. Did…send

9. Godzilla ________ at the cinema this week.
a, was playing b. plays
c. has played d. is playing

10. Yesterday Greece __________ the USA.
a. was beating b. is beating
c. beats d. beat

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. Leonidas was the king of the Spartans. (c)

2. I am just finishing my dinosaur report. (b)

3.  Look! My turtle is eating lunch. (d)

4. I was walking home, when the rain started. (a)

5. Last year I won a tennis tournament. (c)

6. Over 40 years ago astronauts landed on the moon. (d)

7.  We are having pizza for dinner right now. (a)

8. Did you send the email yet?  (d)

9. Godzilla was playing at the cinema this week. (a)

10. Yesterday Greece beat the USA. (d)

Voila, j'espere que sa t'aide

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