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Transforme les phrases suivantes à la
voix passive.
a. They invented the steam engine in England
in the 19th century.
b. Charles Dickens wrote ‘Oliver Twist' and
'Hard Times
c. Today everybody uses a vacuum cleaner.
d. In 1814 Stephenson designed the first
e. Here you will see the effects of colonization.
f. Richard Arkwright founded the first factory.
g. Almost everybody speaks English today.​

Sagot :

Réponse :

a.In the 19th century they invented the steam engine (je pense)

b.Oliver Twist and Hard times were written by Charles Dickens

c.A vacum cleaner was used today by everybody

d.The first locomotive was designed by Stephenson in 1814

e.The effects of colonization will be seen here (je pense)

f.The first factory was founded by Richard Arkwright

Explications :

Votre participation est très importante pour nous. Continuez à partager des informations et des solutions. Cette communauté se développe grâce aux contributions incroyables de membres comme vous. Chaque question trouve sa réponse sur Zoofast.fr. Merci et à très bientôt pour d'autres solutions.