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bonjour pouvez vous m'aider pour cet exercice je ne sais pas quel forme de futur je dois mettre

1/ Oh, I've left the door open. I ____________________ and shut it. (go)

2/ Tom ______________________ the exam. In my opinion, he hasn't studied hard enough. (not / pass)

3/ Look at those black clouds! It_____________________. (rain)

4/ - Gary phoned while you were out.
- Yes, I know. I____________________ him _______. (call back)

5/ - Gary phoned while you were out.
- OK, I__________________ him __________. (call back)

6/ Thanks for lending me the money. I______________________ you back on Friday. (pay)

7/ I _________________________ badminton on saturday morning. (probably /play)

8/ I don't think I___________________ tonight, I'm too tired. (go out)

9/ I wonder if you ___________________ sick next weekend. (be)

10/ - Can you give Tom this book?
- Sure, I_______________________ it to him when I see him. (give)

11/ - Your shoes are dirty.
- Yes I know, I______________________ them. (clean)

12/ I can see you're busy, so I ______________________ long. (not / stay)

13/ That bag looks heavy. I_____________________ you with it. (help)

14/ Sue : Let's have a party.
Helen : That's a great idea. We___________________ lots of people. (invite)

Later, Helen meets Dave :
Helen : Sue and I have decided to have a party. We ____________________ lots of people.(invite)

15/ - __________________ the late film on TV tonight? (watch)
- No, I'm going to have an early night

Sagot :

Réponse :


1.  ... I will go and shut it .

2. Tom will not pass the exam....

3. ... it will be raining.

4. ... I am going to call him back.

5. ... I will call him back.

6. ... I will pay you back on friday.

7. I will probably be playing badminton on saturday morning.

8. ... I will be going out tonight , i am too tired .

9.  I wonder if you will be sick next weekend.

10. ... sure i will give it to him when i see him.

11. ... I will clean them.

12. ... so i will no be staying long.

13. ... I will help you with it.

14. ... we will invite lots of people .

15. will you be watching the late film on movie tonight ?...

Explications :

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