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Bonjour à tous pouvez vous m’aidez a quoi consiste le cheese rolling en répondant à c’est questions: where is this sport played ? What are the rules ? How do you
play ? When did it start ? what are the qualities necessary to play this sport? and do you consider that it is really a sport? Merci d’avance

Sagot :


The Cooper's hill cheese rolling and wake is an Annual event held on the spring Bank holiday at Cooper's hill in England. It was traditionally held by and for the people who live in the local village. From the top of the hill, a 7-9 pounds round of double Gloucester cheese is sent rolling down the hill, and competitor then start racing down the hill after. The first over the finish line at the bottom wins the cheese. This sport is very dangerous, there are usually a number of injuries each year. I think it's a sport because you run and roll.