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bonjour pourriez vous m'aider svp. je suis nulle en anglais​

Bonjour Pourriez Vous Maider Svp Je Suis Nulle En Anglais class=

Sagot :



1- He claimed that he had replied.

2- Sam told me he had met me the day before.

3- Mary explained thet she could not come.

4- He was afraid to fall down.

5- He said he would pay the following day.

6- He knew that the Himalyas were the highest.

7- Bill promised to lend some money.

8- He replied that he had been watching a film.

9- The doctor said Claire had to rest.

10- I explained that I had not done it that day.

11- He thought that if he was younger, he would have accepted it.

12- Jill admitted that she  had been with him the previous week.

13- She reminded me that I didn't have to change my shoes in their house.

14- She said she was calling her mum.

15- Diana supposed that she would finished the picture the next day.

16- She asked where those people came from.

17- Paul asked in distress if I still loved him.


bonne fin de journée ☺☺☺

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