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Consigne :Utilise toutes les informations du document pour écrire la biographie de cette femme (minimum 8 phrases). Toutes les phrases doivent être au prétérit.

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Emmeline Pankhurst was born in England in 1858. In 1903 she founded the Women's Social and Political Union, which used militant tactics to campaign for women's suffrage. Pankhurst was imprisoned several times, but supported the war effort after the outbreak of the First World War. Parliament granted British women limited suffrage in 1918. Pankhurst died in 1928, shortly before women had full voting rights.


Emmeline Goulden was born in Manchester, England on July 14 or 15, 1858. (Her birth certificate said July 15, but the document was not filed until four months after her birth, and Goulden always stated that she was born on July 14.)

Goulden, the eldest daughter of 10 children, grew up in a politically active family. Her parents were both abolitionists and supporters of female suffrage; Goulden was 14 when her mother took her to her first female suffrage meeting. However, Goulden was irritated that his parents gave priority to the education and advancement of their sons over his own.

Marriage and political activism

After studying in Paris, Goulden returned to Manchester, where she met Dr. Richard Pankhurst in 1878. Richard was a lawyer who supported a number of radical cases, including women's suffrage. Although he was 24 years older than Goulden, the two married in December 1879 and Goulden became Emmeline Pankhurst.

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