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Bonjour pouvez vous m’aidez s’il vous plaît merci pour votre aide

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maidez Sil Vous Plaît Merci Pour Votre Aide class=

Sagot :

Réponse :


1) No, i didn't, i went to Cambridge

2) No, they didn't, they gave him a watch

3) No, she didn't, she left after tea

4) No, i didn't, i took my umbrella

5) No, they didn't, they flew to New York by day

6) No, he didn't, he spoke fast

7) No, i didn't, i ate only one

8) No, he didn't, he began learning english two years ago

9) No, they didn't, they came by train

10) No, they didn't, they stole the money

Voilà pour toi !


Réponse :


-Did you go to Oxford yesterday ?

No, I didn’t, I went to Cambridge yesterday.

- Did they give him a camera ?

No, they didn’t, they gave him a watch.

- Did she leave before tea ?

No, she didn’t, she left after tea.

- Did you take your raincoat ?

No, I didn’t, I took my umbrella.

- Did they fly to New York by night ?

No,they didn't,  they flew to New York by day.

- Did he speak slowly ?

No, he didn’t, he spoke fast

- Did you eat the two sandwiches ?

No, I didn’t I ate only one.

- Did he begin learning English last year ?

No, he didn’t, he began learning English two years ago.

- Did they come by bus ?

No they didn’t, they came by train.

- Did they steal the jewels ?

No they didn’t, they stole the money.

; )

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