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Bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider pour ces exercice d’anglais Merci d’avance

Bonjour Pouvezvous Maider Pour Ces Exercice Danglais Merci Davance class=

Sagot :

Exercice 1
A. She runs
B. I enjoy
C. He does
D. They are

Exercice 2
A. Do
B. Does
C. Do
D. Does

Exercice 3
A. She doesn’t play tennis.
B. They don’t talk to each other anymore.
C. It didn’t work anymore.
D. We don’t take the underground every day.

Exercice 4
Lions are a kind of cats.
Nathalie is my sister.
I’m sorry, I’m too tired.
America isn’t a poor country.
Do they have a nice house ?
Many kids ride bicycles.

Exercice 5
A. Sam goes to school every day.
B. I don’t like pasta.
C. Do they like music ?
D. We live in London.
E. He doesn’t play football.
F. Does Sarah drink orange juice in the morning ?


Réponse :


Exercice 1:

a. She runs every morning.

b. I enjoy dance and music.

c. He does his homework every afternoon.

d. They are really nice.

Exercice 2:

a. Do you see your grandparents often ?

b. Does it smell nice ?

c. Do I look good today ?

d. Does she eat meat ?

( Rappel do à toutes les personnes sauf 3ème personne du singulier does ( he / she / it )

Exercice 3:

a. She does not / doesn’t play tennis.

b. They do not / don’t talk to each other anymore.

c. It does not / doesn’t work anymore: it’s broken.

d. We do not / don’t take the underground every day.

( Forme pleine : do not / does not

Forme contractée : don't / doesn't )

Exercice 4

Lions are a kind of cat.

Nathalie is my sister

I’m sorry, I am too tired.

America isn’t a poor country.

Do they have a nice house ?

Many kids ride bicycles.

Exercice 5

a. Sam goes to school every day.

b. I don’t like pasta

c.Do they like music ?

d. We live in London

e. He doesn’t play football.

f. Does Sarah dink orange juice in the morning ?