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b. Voici une anecdote racontée par Mohammed Ali dans son autobiographie. 4 pts
Mama Bird1 was always telling me about the time I was born. She said that I was such a pretty baby, everyone thought I was a girl and that from the moment they brought me home, Cash2 was biting my jaws3.

1-2. : Mohammed Ali’s mother and father – 3. kissing my cheeks

Imagine ce que Mama Bird a dû dire à Mohammed Ali et complète l’amorce proposée :

Mama Bird: “Honey, let me tell you about …........................................................................................
Merci d'avance

Sagot :

Réponse :

Honey, let me tell you about your childhood,

you was so a pretty boy and you won't let it happen .

How many times I had to go at your school for fights with your classmates .

And I remember when you began to be a man ... my little baby was growing up .

Explications :

voila ce que tu pourrai dire :)