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Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider À Cette Exercice Svp Merci Davance class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

1) a.He didn't park his car in High Street .

   b. Did he park in High Street?

2) a. She did not like the first story.

    b. Did she like the first story?

3) a. Kerry did not want to watch the film.

   b. Did Kerry watch the film?

4) a. She didn't give them sausages for breakfast.

    b. Did she give them sausages for breakfast?

5) a. He did not think it was easy.

    b. Did he think it was easy?

6) a. Chris doesn't drink tea every morning.

    b. Does Chris drink tea every morning?

7) a. He didn't help his sister with her homework.

    b. Did he help his sister with her homework?

8) a. They did not go to the club with their parents.

    b. Did they go to the club with their parents?

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