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Bonjour j’aurai besoin d’aide SVP. C’est la question 55.1

Bonjour Jaurai Besoin Daide SVP Cest La Question 551 class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

1 They wated tom to stay with them

2 i dont want nyone to know

3 do you want scotland to win

4 i wanted it to be a surprise

Explications :


1. Tom's parents were disappointed when he decided to leave home.

They wanted Tom to stay with them.

2. Please don't tell anyone that I'm leaving my job.

I dont want anyone to know.

3. There's a football match next Saturday between England and Scotland.

Do you want Scotland to win ?

4. Unfortunately someone had told Sue that I was going to visit her.

I wanted it to be a surprise.

Voilà ^^ bon(ne) journée/confinement :)