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Bonjour Pouvezvous Maider Sil Vous Plaît Cordialement class=

Sagot :


a. My favorite American painter is Childe Hassam. He painted The Water Garden, which reminds me of Claude Monet's masterpiece Water Lilies.

b. In his painting Nighthawks, Edward Hopper imagined a composition that suggests a real-life moment.

c. If Norman Rockwell's paintings look so realistic, it is because he took pictures of each scene before painting them.

d. Joe Rosenthal's photograph of six American soldiers raising a flag in Iwo Jima in February 1945 was so inspiring that it was made into a sculpture in Arlington County, Virginia.

e. Jeff Koons conveys a lot of mixed emotions with his art.

Voilà ^^ bon(ne) journée/confinement :)