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pouvez vous m’aider svp j’y arrive pas merci

Pouvez Vous Maider Svp Jy Arrive Pas Merci class=

Sagot :

Eat , don’t like , taste , like , is , sound , empty , try , run , March , open , rush , is , go , isn’t , think , doesn’t think , do , have , have , like

Réponse :


1) I rarely EAT chocolate. I DON’T LIKE the way it TASTES.

2) We LIKE to watch movies. My favorite movie IS Titanic.

3) The ocean SOUNDS like an airplane.

4) The janitor at my school EMPTIES the trash on Sunday.

5) Angelica always TRIES to make new friends.

6) James RUNS two miles every day.

7) Elizabeth often MARCHES with the band.

8) John and I OPEN presents at Christmas.

9) When there is a fire, the firemen RUSH to put it out. After the fire IS out, they GO home.

10) I AM NOT tired . I THINK I will read a book.

11) Shelley DOES NOT THINK ( DOESN’T THINK ) this quiz is hard. But I DO!

12) I HAVE an Xbox but my friend Jo HAS a Playstation. We still LIKE each other very much.

; )

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