Answered votre ressource incontournable pour des réponses expertes. Que vos questions soient simples ou complexes, notre communauté a les réponses dont vous avez besoin.

Bonjour j ai besoin d aide merci d avance

Bonjour J Ai Besoin D Aide Merci D Avance class=

Sagot :


Réponse :


1. Is any one here?

2. You can place this vase anywhere in the room.

3. Is there a problem? No, every thing is fine.

4.There is some thing I don't understand.

5. There was tomato sauce every where in the kitchen after Mick tried to cook lasagna

6. There was someone in the house when I arrived



1. Philip has already been to several concerts this year.

2. Jessica has finished her homework

3. Elizabeth has carefully planned her holidays

4. Josh and Lea have rehearsed a lot for the school play

5. Shops haven't sold a lot of coats this winter

6. I haven't thought about this


1.Last year we took part in a poetry workshop at school

2. During her last holidays, Isabelle attended a classical musical festival

3. pas de verbe ???

4. Last month, we visited a modern art exhibition

5. When Jack was 8, he took a few guitar lessons

6. Which play did you prefer?

Explications :

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