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Bjr s’il vous plaît aider moi il faut choisir une œuvre d’art et la décrire svp faire le moi

Bjr Sil Vous Plaît Aider Moi Il Faut Choisir Une Œuvre Dart Et La Décrire Svp Faire Le Moi class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

"The School of Athens" is one of the most famous paintings by Raphael, the Italian Renaissance artist. In 1508 Raphael was officially named the painter of the papacy and painted the ceremonial halls of the Vatican Palace. In the center of the table we can see the two thinkers Aristotle (right) and Plato (left). The significance of these two people was extremely great for Western philosophy because the concepts of their different schools were taken up by Christianity.

View image sadiahaque0706
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