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bonjour aidez moi svp pour ce devoir d anglais

Write the adjectifs in brackets in the superlative form :

a) Samantha is the ...... girl that Paul has ever met ( pretty )
b) i think that king kong was the ...... film ever ( bad )
c) Mount Everest is the ...... mountain in the world ( high )
d) Our English teacher is the ....... teacher ever! ( good )
e) My room is the ...... room in my house ( clean )
f) Ron is the ..... person i've ever met ( clever )
g) the Millenium Star is one of the ...... diamonds in the worlds ( Expensive)

svp c'est pour aujourd'hui

Sagot :

Réponse :

Explications :

a) prettiest

b) worst

c) highest

d) best

e) cleanest

f) cleverest

g) most expensive

ps: Désolée si il y a des fautes... J'espère que ça ira.


Réponse :


a) Samantha is the PRETTIEST girl that Paul has ever met .

b) i think that king kong was the WORST film ever .

c) Mount Everest is the HIGHEST mountain in the world .

d) Our English teacher is the THE BEST teacher ever!

e) My room is the CLEANEST room in my house .

f) Ron is the   CLEVEREST  person i've ever met .

g) the Millenium Star is one of the MOST EXPENSIVE diamonds in the worlds

Explications :


Adjectifs courts ( 1 syllabe ) = THE + ADJ -est

adjectifs terminé par y ----> -iest

(Les adjectifs de 2 syllabes qui finissent par "y" "ow", "le" et "er" fonctionnent comme des adjectifs courts )

Adjectifs longs ( 2 syllabes )= THE MOST + ADJECTIF


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