
Trouvez des réponses à vos questions avec l'aide de la communauté Trouvez les solutions dont vous avez besoin rapidement et précisément avec l'aide de notre communauté bien informée.

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Merci d'avance

Réécrire ces phrases en remplaçant that par who ou which.

1) It's an old story that takes palce in the north of Canada.

2) Do you know Ryan Gosling,the Canadian actor that is in La La Land?

3) Ice-hockey is a team sport that is played on ice, usually in a rink

4) Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada that was elected in 2015, worked as a French teacher in Vancouver

Transforme chaque couple de phrases en une seule à l'aide d'un pronom relatif.

1) The Inuit usually live in Nunavut. It is in the North of Canada

2) There are many people in my family.They are spread throughout the country

3) There is a ferry. It goes in the bottom of the waterfall.

4) Quebec city is a Canadian city. You can meet a lot of friendly people there.

Merci d'avance

Sagot :

Réponse :


Exercice 1

1) It's an old story which takes place in the north of Canada

2) Do you know Ryan Gosling,the canadian actor who is in La La Land

3) Ice-kockey is a team sport which is played on ice,usually in a rink

4) Justin Trudeau,the Prime Minister of Canada who was elected in 2015,worked as a French teacher in Vancouver.

Exercice 2

1) The Inuit usually live in Nunavut,which is in the north of Canada

2) There are many people in my family who are spread throughout the country.

3) There is a ferry which goes in the bottom of the waterfall

4) Quebec city is a Canadian city where you can meet a lot of friendly people

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