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Bonjour, j'aurais besoin d'aide pour cet exercice s'il vous plait :

Choose and write the correct word in brackets for each space.
It is calculated that the (medium/average/usual/middle) American produces about two kilos of rubbish a day. For the supporters of the Zero Waste Movement, it is not enough to simply reduce this production. They 2 (aim/would/will/prove) to eliminate = at eliminating it completely.
There are 3 (several/much/plenty/lots) Zero Waste blogs that show their followers how to do this. One of these 4 (owns/reports/follows/belongs) to Bea Johnson, a French woman 5 (live/lives/living/lived) in California, who was named “The Priestess of Waste-Free Living” 6 (from/to/by/of) the New York Times.
Bea Johnson was the first person 7 (who/that/for/to) promote the zero-waste lifestyle through her book, Zero Waste Home, and her blog, which 8 (is/has/was/did) become enormously popular. She 9 (complains/advises/tells/claims) that the waste she and her family produce yearly would easily 10 (fit/be/stay/come) into a one-litre jar.

Merci !

Sagot :

Choose and write the correct word in brackets for each space.

It is calculated that the average American produces about two kilos of rubbish a day. For the supporters of the Zero Waste Movement, it is not enough to simply reduce this production. They aim to eliminate = at eliminating it completely.

There are several Zero Waste blogs that show their followers how to do this. One of these belongs to Bea Johnson, a French woman living in California, who was named “The Priestess of Waste-Free Living” by the New York Times.

Bea Johnson was the first person to promote the zero-waste lifestyle through her book, Zero Waste Home, and her blog, which has become enormously popular. She claims that the waste she and her family produce yearly would easily fit into a one-litre jar.