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Bonjour j’ai un travail 4 eme en anglais sur le prétérit et le présent perfect pouvez vous m’aider

Bonjour Jai Un Travail 4 Eme En Anglais Sur Le Prétérit Et Le Présent Perfect Pouvez Vous Maider class=

Sagot :


1: died
2: arrived
3: wrote
4: have never found
5: have they built
6: didn’t play
7: dreamt
8: was born
9: lived
10: bought
11: worked
12: forgot
13: have you ever talked
14: rode

Voilà je ne suis pas sûr à 100% de quand est-ce qu’on doit utiliser le present perfect et le past simple mais je pense que c’est ça.

Réponse :


1. Molière DIED in 1673.

2. There it is! Your train HAS ARRIVED.

3. Heminghway WROTE The Old Man and the Sea in 1952

4. I HAVE never FOUND a wallet in the street.

5. When DID they BUILD this school ?

6. We DIDN’T PLAY football because there was only seven of us.

7. Last night I DREAMT I was a bird.

8. W. Shakespear WAS BORN in 1564.

9. The aborigines LIVED in Australia long before white men came.

10. Look ! I HAVE BOUGHT a new calculator.

11. Stacey’s parents WORKED in California about fifteen years ago.

12. I can’t play because I HAVE FORGOTTEN my tennis racket.

13. HAVE you ever TALKED to an actor or a pop singer ?

14. When Jenny went to California, she RODE a horse.

Explications :