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(Niveau Lycée)
Bonjour, est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider pour les questions du B ( et C si possible ) ?
Je comprends le texte mais j'ai du mal à trouver les réponses aux questions.
Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront.​

Niveau LycéeBonjour Estce Que Quelquun Pourrait Maider Pour Les Questions Du B Et C Si Possible Je Comprends Le Texte Mais Jai Du Mal À Trouver Les Réponses Aux class=

Sagot :

Réponse :


1. India openly identify as the land of Gandhi because Gandhi promoted non-violent actions that led to the independence.

2. Here it is shown that despite contradictions India is still promoting peace after the death of Gandhi.

3. The narrator highlight this impression when he talks about the Beating Retreat Ceremony where instead of displaying arms, they march up and down the Square with instruments and they play Gandhi’s favourite hymn.

C. The narrator shows that the national day represent all aspects of India and all its controversies. This day exists thanks to Gandhi’s actions and in a way it allows to commemorate his memory and the peace he promoted. The narrator shows that Indians have a good side by following the steps of Gandhi but they also have a bad side by displaying arms and the military power during national day.

Explications :Voici les réponses, j’espère que ça vous aidera malgré le délais. Bon courage.

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