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you have been selected to organise an important event to you school. write a diary entry to describe your thoughts and how you will organise the event​

Sagot :

Dear diary:

I have been selected to organise the end-of-year ball, I am so excited and stressed at the same time because last year it was Tina’s turn, the girl I hate, and I must do better than her !
I will tell Marie to go in for the cakes she is the best cooker I know !
Bill will be the security gard because he is the most muscular boy in the school.
It will be an all-white-dressed party And I will decorate the room the day before with white balloons and flowers.
Since tomorrow I will call Jeremy to print the posters and advertise all the school to have as many people as possible.
It will be the best end-of-year ball ever !!
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