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Bonsoir j'ai du mal à faire ces deux consignes pour demain, pouvez vous m'aider ?

2. Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant le prétérit be+ing :
a. I lost my bag while I __________ (shop).
b. They fell asleep while they ___________ (watch) TV.
c. We found a cat in our garden while we __________ (garden).
d. The doorbell rang while I __________ (still/sleep).
e. She burnt her hand while she __________ (cook) dinner.

3. Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses au prétérit simple ou au prétérit be+ing :
a. I __________ (cycle) home when I ________ (meet) Jane.
b. How fast __________ (you/drive) when the accident __________ (happen)?
c. I was in a difficult position. I __________ (not/know) what to do.
d. When he was younger, he __________ (want) to be a professional dancer.
e. "Was Helen at the party last night?" "Yes, she __________ (wear) a funny dress!"

Sagot :


Réponse :


2. Complétez les phrases suivantes en utilisant le prétérit be+ing :

a. I lost my bag while I WAS SHOPPING .

b. They fell asleep while they WERE WATCHING  TV.

c. We found a cat in our garden while we WERE GARDENING .

d. The doorbell rang while I WAS STILL SLEEPING .

e. She burnt her hand while she WAS COOKING  dinner.

3. Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses au prétérit simple ou au prétérit be+ing :

a. I WAS CYCLING  home when I MET Jane.

b. How fast WERE YOU DRIVING  when the accident HAPPENED ?

c. I was in a difficult position. I DIDN’T KNOW what to do.

d. When he was younger, he WANTED to be a professional dancer.

e. "Was Helen at the party last night?" "Yes, she WAS WEARING a funny dress!"