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Hey guys . I hope you help me , anw thank you ♡.
Present perfect simple or present perfect continuous

1. How long .......you.......(wait)for me ?
2. Where........she.........(be)?
3. We .............(talk)for hours. We ................(not see) each other for a while.
4. Sue............(twist)her ankle again.
5. Tina and Alex.........(break) up with each other for good .
6. We............(learn) English for a couple of years .
7. She........(drink)too much coffee recently .
8. ..........you..........(hear) the news yet?
9. Your brother............(just arrive).
10. Sheila...........(never travel) by plane before .
11. We .........(sit) here for half an hour. How long are we supposed to wait?
12. ...........you..........(call) her yet ?
13. I............(do) my homework since the aftermoon. I'm fed up .
14. Who...........(hide) behind the tree?
15. She.............(cry)all night .
16. Mum...........(already do) the shopping .
17. Our neighbours.........(already move) in.
18. What.........you...........(read)since the morning?
19. I............(not talk) to my parents about the party yet.
20. My grandma...........(never eat) seafood.
21. I.............(hurt) my knee really badly.
22. My sister and her boyfriend............(see) each other for a few weeks.

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. How long have you been waiting for me ?

2. Where was she ?

3. We talked for hours. We haven't seen each other for a while.

4. She twisted her ankle again.

5. Tina and Alex broke up with each other for good .

6. We learned English for a couple of years .

7. She drunk too much coffee recently .

8. Have you heard the news yet?

9. Your brother just arrived.

10. Sheila never traveled by plane before .

11. We sat here for half an hour. How long are we supposed to wait?

12. Did you call her yet ?

13. I'm doing my homework since the afternoon. I'm fed up .

14. Who was hiding behind the tree?

15. She cried all night .

16. Mum already did the shopping .

17. Our neighbours already mooved in.

18. What were you reading since the morning?

19. I didn't talk to my parents about the party yet.

20. My grandma never ate seafood.

21. I hurted my knee really badly.

22. My sister and her boyfriend didn't saw each other for a few weeks.

Explications :

jsp trop donc relis un peu.