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Siilllll voussss plaittttt

Siilllll Voussss Plaittttt class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

a) .... is the most amazing film of the decade.

b) ....is / are the worst food(s) in my country.

c) ...is the most hostile place on earth.

d) My dad has the smallest car of the family.

e) .... is the farthest country from this place.

f) This is the most impressive landscape I have ever seen.

g) I am in the world's tallest building.

h) My dog is the cutest animal of all.

Petite astuce: lorsque l'adjectif a 3 syllabes ou plus, on utilise most ou worst devant sans changer le mot.

Exercice 3:

a) This is the least funny book I've ever read.

b) The least deadly creature is probably the worm.

c) I think least friendly animal in this zoo is the shark.

d) The least good / the worst subject at school is science.

e) In my opinion, the least frightening animal is the ...

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