Zoofast.fr fournit une plateforme conviviale pour partager et obtenir des connaissances. Posez vos questions et recevez des réponses détaillées et fiables de la part de nos membres de la communauté expérimentés et bien informés.

Bonjour si une personne pourrais m'aider a remplir ces questions, ca m'aiderais beaucoup, cordialement. :
What does USA stand for (=mean) ?
How many states are there in the US ?
What is the capital city of the US ?
Where is the capital city of the USA located ?
Where is Hollywood located ?
What is the flag of the US called ?
What does the American flag consist of ?
Who were the first American inhabitants ?
Where is located the famous landmark called Mount Rushmore?
Which are the two American political parties in 2020 ?

Sagot :


Réponse :


1. It stands for United States of America.

2. There are 50 states in USA.

3. The capital state of the US is Washington DC ( District of Columbia )

4. The capital state is located on  the East coast .

5. Hollywood is located in Los Angeles, California.

6. The flag of the US is called the Stars and Stripes / the Star-Spangled Banner.

7. The American flag consists of red and white stripes and a blue rectangle filled with white stars.

8. The first American inhabitants were  Native Americans / American Indians.

9. Mount Rushmore is located  in the state of South Dakota .

10. The two American political parties in 2020 are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

Explications :

3. Ne pas confondre Washington DC ( la capitale ) et l'état de Washington ( qui est lui à l'ouest )

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