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Bonjour pouvez vous m’aider? Il faut conjuguer les verbes. Merci d’avance

1) I (go) to the beach tomorrow.
2) I (reach) my goals if I work hard.
3) He (be) nice with his friends.
4) She (build) a treetop cabin for her children.
5) They (cook) for their guests.
6) We (dance) during the party.
7) The movie (last) two hours.
8) I (follow) the recipe to make this cake.
9) You (organize) the birthday party of your friend.
10) I (postpone) this appointment.

Sagot :

Réponse : Bonjour,

1) I am going to the beach tomorrow.

2) I will reach my goals if I work hard.

3) He is nice with his friends.

4) She built a treetop cabin for her children.

5) They cooked for their guests.

6) We danced during the party.

7) The movie lasted two hours.

8) I followed the recipe to make this cake.

9) You organized the birthday party of your friend.

10) I postponed this appointment.

Explications :

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