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Bonjour quelqu’un peut m’aider svp. A. Is Australia a populated country compared to France? Explain
B. Where are the main cities situated in Australia?»
C.What is « ULURU »? (one sentence)
E. Draw the Australian flag and explain what it represents. (one sentence)

Sagot :

Réponse :

No, cause France has more people than Australia.

The main cities situated in Australia are :





Gold Coast



Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is a sandstone inselberg located in the Northern Territory in the centre of Australia's main island.

I will attach the flag of Australia in the attached files:

Explications :

The history of Australia can be traced back to the first migrations to the Australian continent, which began in the north around 60,000 years before our era.

Probably inhabited for more than 50,000 years by indigenous peoples, European crews and explorers recognised Australia's coastline from the 17th century onwards. In 1788, British colonization began with the founding of a prison camp in Sydney. In the 1850s, the Australian colonies became self-governing parliamentary democracies, and on 1 January 1901 they federated to form the Commonwealth of Australia.

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