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Complète cette lettre par un des connecteurs logique : unfortunately- whereas- however- despite - as soon as- so- even if- although Dear Mum,
We had a really good flight to New York, -
Julia began to panic, like always, when the
plane took off. The flight seemed short and
I slept most of the time ... Julia watched two
movies. ... we landed, we met Dave's parents.
... their car had just broken down ... we had
to take a taxi. You should see their house!
It's huge, they even have a pool table in their
basement! We started visiting the next day --
the cold weather. New York is just amazing,
... it's very noisy. I just love it here!
.... I'm not too keen on the food: Dave's Mom
is really a bad cook!
Hope all is well at home!

Sagot :

Réponse :

Bonjour! Voilà la lettre:

Dear Mum,

We had a really good flight to New York. Julia began to panic, like always, when the plane took off. The flight seemed short and I slept most of the time whereas Julia watched two movies. As soon as we landed, we met Dave's parents. Unfortunately, their car had just broken down, so we had to take a taxi. You should see their house! It's huge, they even have a pool table in their basement! We started visiting the next day despite the cold weather. New York is just amazing, although/even if (on peut utiliser les deux ici) it's very noisy. I just love it here! However I'm not too keen on the food: Dave's Mom is a really bad cook! Hope all is well at home!

Love, Nick.

De rien! J'espère que ça va aller :)

Bonne journée et bonne chance!

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