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1. Put the verbs into the correct tense (present simple OR present continuous):
The train always
inseave) on time.
"What's the matter? Why
That's strange. They
(3: not to watch) TV.
14: not to speak) very good English
Please be quiet!
_(5: do) my homework
(6: live/they)?
Listen! John
music! 7: play)
I never
(8.go) to the swimming pool
Harold Black's a famous pianist. He
L19: give) two or three concerts
every week. He
(10: travel) a lot and this week he's in New York
(11 stay) at an expensive hotel. He's at his hotel now
(12 have) his breakfast in the dining-room.
(13: drink) a cup of coffee and he
(14: read) a
newspaper. Harold's always very busy. He
115: play) the piano
regularly. He
(16: practise) for four hours every day
(17: go to bed late and he always
(18: get
up) early. But he sometimes
_(19: get) dressed too quickly, and this
morning he
120: wear) one blue sock and one red one!

PRESENT SIMPLE VS PRESENT CONTINUOUS EXERCISES 1 Put The Verbs Into The Correct Tense Present Simple OR Present Continuous The Train Always Inseave On Time What class=

Sagot :


Réponse :


1. Put the verbs into the correct tense (present simple OR present continuous):

The train always leaves on time.

"What's the matter? Why are you crying ?

That's strange. They aren't watching TV

He doesn't speak very good English

Please be quiet! I'm doing my homework

Where do they live ?

Listen! John is playing music!

I never go to the swimming pool

Harold Black's a famous pianist. He gives two or three concerts every week. He travels a lot and this week he's in New York. He is staying  at an expensive hotel. He's at his hotel now He is having his breakfast in the dining-room. Не is drinking a cup of coffee and he is reading a newspaper. Harold's always very busy. He plays the piano regularly. He practises for four hours every day. He goes to bed late and he always gets up early. But he sometimes gets dressed too quickly, and this morning he is wearing one blue sock and one red one!

Explications :

( Utilise le present continuous pou les actions qui sont en train de se dérouler . Il se forme avec be ( conjugué ) + base verbale ING )

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