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Sagot :
Réponse :
The following speech is about to present my robot to the jury
Explications :
My robot is called "John nat". It is a superb robot. He is strong , powerful and useful. I have created this robot in order to make my life easier. I know how lazy i can be. I created a robot that can help me execute the basics functions as: get me water, get my notebook, connect my device, etc.. Everything that is routine, my robot can execute. Even if i was thinking to personal laziness when i created the robot but the aim of the robot is to help people saving time for things that appear more novative. Finish the spending on getting yourself water, food or routine things. Now you can concentrate on develop new ideas to be more productive. All of these are to tell you if you choose my robot, we as human can focus on more bigger problems that will help the world be better.
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