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Bonjour pouvez-vous m'aider a ecris un paragraphe pour expliquer la fête de Saint int Patrick svp merci

Sagot :

Réponse :


Saint Patrick's Day, held on 17th March, is a cultural and religious celebration to celebrate the death of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.

St. Patrick's day is now celebrated by many people throughout the world, Irish and non-Irish alike, with food, drink, and all things green.

Everyone wears green, eats traditional Irish food, watch parades and have a fun day!

St. Patrick's revelers thought wearing green made one invisible to leprechauns, fairy creatures who would pinch anyone they could see (anyone not wearing green). People began pinching those who didn't wear green as a reminder that leprechauns would sneak up and pinch green-abstainers.

J'espere que je t'ai aide:)!

Bonne journee:)

Explications :

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