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Salut pouvez vous m aidez SVP. Je suis en 3e


1-1 ......... when she called

2- When the phone rang, she.......

3.While we ........., it started to rain

4-What ......... you ........... when the carthquake started.

5-1 I ....... so I didn't hear the fire alarm

6-1 ......... when somebody rang the bell

7.While John .......... arghi, someone stole his car

7-Sam ........ when we got off the plane

9.While I ........ .the computer suddenly went of​

Sagot :

Réponse :

1- ......... when she called

2- When the phone rang, she aswanred

3. While we dress, it started to rain

4- What were you doing when the carthquake started.

5-1 I was sleeping  so I didn't hear the fire alarm

6- ......... when somebody rang the bell

7. While John .......... arghi, someone stole his car

7- Sam left when we got off the plane

9. While I was working the computer suddenly went of​

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