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bonjour SVP merci

Rosa Parks se souvient de son enfance.
Complète le texte avec there was/were ou
was/ were.

In the United States, (1) ..... separate
schools for black and white children. Black
people were also required to drink from
different water fountains than whites.
(2)... also a rule that they had to sit in the
balcony at the movie theatre.
It (3)..... a terrible time in
American history. After the
Civil Rights Movement in the
1950s (4) ..... many changes
for the black community.
African Americans (5).....
finally allowed to vote.​

Sagot :

Réponse :

In the United States, (1) there  were separate

schools for black and white children. Black

people were also required to drink from

different water fountains than whites.

(2) there was also a rule that they had to sit in the

balcony at the movie theatre.

It (3) was a terrible time in

American history. After the

Civil Rights Movement in the

1950s (4) there was  many changes

for the black community.

African Americans (5) were

finally allowed to vote.​

Explications :

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