Zoofast.fr: votre destination pour des réponses précises et fiables. Notre plateforme de questions-réponses offre des réponses fiables et complètes pour vous aider à prendre des décisions éclairées rapidement et facilement.

Mets les verbes à la forme négative.
1. They went to England last summer.
2. Armstrong walked on the moon in 1968.
3. Columbus discovered America in the 13th century.
4. The weather was nice yesterday.
5. There were a lot of people at the conference,
bonjour pourriez-vous m'aider svp merci beaucoup ​

Sagot :

Réponse :they didn’t went to England

A strong didn’t walked

Columbus didn’t discovered

The weather wasn’t nice

There weren’t a lot of people

1.they didn’t go to England last summer
2.Armstrong did not walk on the moon in 1968
3.columbus did not discover America in the 13th century
4.The weather was not nice yesterday
were few people at the conference